Presenter Resource Guide
Prior to AudiologyNOW!
Session Content
- Read the Adult Learning and Presentation Tips.
- Ensure that your presentation is consistent with the abstract and the learning objectives you provided when submitting your proposal.
- IMPORTANT: If your session is selected as an ABA Tier 1 Session, remember to reference your assessment questions and cover the material in the session.
- Note the instructional level you indicated for your session and follow the descriptions under Instructional Level while creating your presentation.
- Keep in mind that the audience could be both international and multidisciplinary and your presentation should be sensitive to that fact.
Presenter Replacements
If you are unable to deliver your presentation, please inform Presenters via email of your substitute speaker. Include their degree designation, organization, and disclosure information.
Session Cancellation
If you must cancel your presentation, please notify Presenters via email immediately.
Conference Proceedings
Order your Session Proceedings through our registration system and save money! There are two packages available. Learn more (coming soon)
Don’t miss out on update emails: if your computer or workplace has strict firewalls, add to your white list or ask your network administrator to make certain your mail servers accept email from
View the guidelines on handouts.
Book Your Travel
Start making travel arrangements in advance and check for special airline discounts on our travel information page.
Select Your Hotel
The Academy has secured a large block of rooms at hotels in convenient locations and at competitive prices. You will be able to book your hotel in the registration process. If you would like to inquire about sharing a room to save on costs, we have set up a place for you to discuss your plans with other attendees in the Room Sharing Forum.
On-Site At AudiologyNOW!
If you need to contact a staff person while on-site please send an email to Presenters or leave a message in the Presenters Ready Room.
Please pay special attention to the fact that members of the audience may have hearing/visual disabilities.
- Williams Sound Corp. will be providing ALD systems for the session rooms.
- Encourage hearing/visually-disabled participants to sit towards the front of the room for the best reception.
- Ensure that all speak into the microphone and that only one person speaks at a time by asking members of the group to wait until they are acknowledged before speaking.
- Repeat all questions or comments into the microphone.
- Verbally describe all visuals, as descriptions of visual aids not only help people with disabilities, they are also often appreciated by people seated a good distance from the speaker.
Presenter’s Ready Room: Room 225
Make a point to stop by the Presenter’s Ready Room; a place where presenters can:
- Practice presentations
- Upload your presentation to the Presentation Management System
- Relax before your presentation
Tuesday 12:00 pm – 5:00pm
Wednesday 6:30 am – 6:30pm
Thursday 6:30 am – 6:00pm
Friday 6:30 am – 6:00pm
Saturday 7:00 am – 12:00pm
CEU Passcode
For those sessions that offer Continuing Education Units (CEUs), we will utilize CEU Manager for participants to record their CEUs. A CEU Passcode will be placed on your speaker’s podium prior to the start of your session or brought to your session by Academy staff prior to your presentation.
Make sure to announce the code using the microphone and to also hold up the enlarged code (on the back of the form) so that the audience members will have a visual version to reference. We ask that you announce this Passcode toward the middle-end of your session, prior to the question and answer period.
Pick up Presenter ribbon in the Presenters Ready Room.
Room Locations
Check the online session planner or ProgramNOW on-site for your session room number.
Room Set-up
- Learning Modules, Exhibitor Courses, Featured Sessions, Research Podiums, Industry Updates and Student Educational Sessions will be set theater-style (some will be set in rounds).
- Student Research Forum room will be set in Rounds.
- Learning Labs will be set classroom-style.
- Quick Solutions will be determined by the space available in the exhibit booth.
- Poster Presentations will be in a large area with rows of poster boards.
Session Attendance/Room Capacity
View the estimated capacity of each session room. If your session is in two connecting rooms add the two room capacities together to get the estimated total capacity for your session. Please note that the room estimates do not account for staging and AV equipment which will reduce the room capacity by approximately 25%.
Participants will complete an electronic evaluation form for your session via the CEU manager. The evaluation includes a specific line for each presenter. Following AudiologyNOW!, your session’s evaluation results will be compiled and distributed to all lead presenters. We will send you a Presenter Evaluation, so you can let us know about your experience as an AudiologyNOW! presenter.
Announcements/Starting your Presentation
If possible, arrive at your session room 30 minutes before the start of your session and take time to familiarize yourself with the room set-up. In the half hour between sessions, a representative from our audiovisual company, Freeman AV, visits each room to assist you with the equipment.
Your passcode may arrive via Academy Staff while you are setting up.
Please announce these items at the beginning of your presentation (a note with this information will also be placed on the podium in your session room):
- Introduce the presenter(s).
- Note if any presenters have any disclosures.
- Remind participants to turn off sound to all electronic devices.
- That your handouts are available online (if you have uploaded them within the 48 hour deadline).
- Note the emergency exit doors in the room.
- Remind participants to record the CEU Passcode onto their CEU Worksheet. You may want to insert a slide into your presentation to remind you to announce the passcode.
- Encourage participants to fill in all available space and move to the center when necessary.
- Mention that Audio recordings of sessions are available for purchase near Registration, at the Conference Proceedings Desk.
Audiovisual Equipment
The Academy will provide the following audiovisual (AV) equipment in each meeting room.
View the guidelines on handouts.
Poster Presenters
How to Hang Your Poster & Poster Size Specifications (PDF)