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Academy Research Conference (ARC) 2014

Hearing Aids and the Brain

Orange County Convention Center, West Building | Orlando, Florida
Wednesday, March 26 (full-day conference)

Hearing loss is estimated to affect 36 million adults and two to three out of every 1,000 children in the United States (NIDCD, 2010). The relationship between hearing aids and the brain has significant clinical implications with respect to the diagnosis and treatment of individuals with hearing impairment in both the pediatric and adult populations. This can have far-reaching consequences on health and significantly impact quality of life.

Clinicians, researchers, and students are encouraged to attend this outstanding one-day translational conference to learn more from a world renowned panel of experts. Do not miss out on this unique opportunity to hear more about the intricate and important relationship between hearing aids and the brain.

Welcome Letter from the PI

ARC Program Committee
Kelly Tremblay, PhD – Chair

Ruth Bentler, PhD

Cath McMahon, PhD

Derek Stiles, PhD
Brett Martin, PhD

The impressive lineup of presenters and general topics include:

Ryan McCreery Beyond Newborn Hearing Screening: Brain Implications for Pediatric Amplification
Susan Small Brain Measures Available for Assessing Amplification Needs in the Pediatric Population
Susan Scollie Aided-Evoked Potentials: Effects of Hearing Aid Signal Processing
Harvey Dillon Objective Cortical Evaluation of Infants Wearing Hearing Aids
Curtis Billings What Aided Auditory-Evoked Potentials Can Tell Us About the Aided Auditory System
Jessica Sullivan Hearing Aids and the Brain: Bridging the Gap Between Audibility and Comprehension for Little Ears
Thomas Lunner Don’t Forget the Brain: Hearing Loss and Hearing Aids
Arlene Neuman Amplification and the Brain: Current Knowledge and Future Directions


For a tentative agenda, click here.

Academy CEUs and Tier 1 hours will be offered.

ARC Registration Rates

includes morning beverages, lunch, and a wine & cheese reception

Member $100
Student $45
Nonmember $160

Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to attend ARC14. This conference is supported in part by a conference grant (R13 DC011728B) from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders.

Questions? Contact Meggan Olek

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