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Cochlear Implants Mini Conference: Expanding Indications for Cochlear Implants in Infants Aged 6 to 12 Months

Saturday, April 6, 2013
Anaheim Convention Center, Room 213AB

There are a number of developmental changes occurring within the first year of life that may be missed for an infant with severe-to-profound hearing loss. In order for a child with hearing loss to ultimately reach age-appropriate milestones for speech and language development, we want to provide consistent auditory access to spoken language as early and consistently as possible. This will be best met with cochlear implantation under 12 months of age. The current barriers to cochlear implant access for children under 12 months of age may include insurance restrictions, FDA indications for candidacy, surgeon and anesthesiologist preference, lack of knowledge amongst clinicians, as well as many other potential factors. This mini conference will cover current implant candidacy criteria, implant candidate selection for infants, speech and language development occurring in the first year of life, updates on cochlear implant outcomes for pediatric recipients and tips for audiologic management of infants with cochlear implants.



8:30am to 9:00am

Pediatric Cochlear Implant Criteria

René Gifford, PhD, Vanderbilt University

(30 minutes)

9:00am to 10:00am

From Coo to Code in the Baby’s First Year: Language Development Starts Before Implants

Roberta Golinkoff, PhD, University of Delaware, Professor of Psychology and Linguistics in Typically Developing Infants (60 minutes)

10:00am to 11:00am

Updates from the Childhood Development after Cochlear Implantation (CDaCI) Investigative Team

Karen Johnson, PhD, House Ear Institute (60 minutes)

11:00am to 12:00pm

Surgical Issues and Audiological Management for infants with Cochlear implants

René Gifford, PhD, Vanderbilt University and Melissa DeJong, AuD, Mayo Clinic (60 minutes)

Conference attendees are encouraged to visit the Exhibit Hall to view the Research and Clinical posters in the Cochlear Implant category.

Learn more about the Cochlear Implant Specialty Certification Exam.


Registration Rates

There is no additional registration fee to attend this mini-conference, it is included as part of your AudiologyNOW! registration (Full Conference Registration or One-Day Saturday Registration, Expo only registrants are unable to attend). Seating will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

Academy CEUs and ABA Tier 1 hours will be offered.

Register Here