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SAA Programs

SAA Central

Are your feet tired yet? This is THE hub for student attendees! Sit back and relax in a comfy chair while you network with fellow students, meet with well-known audiologists during the various ”Direct Access” sessions, gather important SAA information to bring back to your chapter, and see what other Student Academy of Audiology (SAA) chapters have been up to in the annual poster competition! SPONSORED IN PART BY OTICON.

Student Volunteers

Student volunteer check-in/out is located in SAA Central, Hall D.

SAA Humanitarian Hub

Location: SAA Central, Hall D
Come check out the SAA Humanitarian Hub and see how SAA is making a difference! This booth will showcase the community service and philanthropic efforts of SAA chapters all over the country. From the Food Bank Chapter Challenge to Special Olympics Healthy Hearing (SOHH) to Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) Walk4Hearing, SAA chapters are impacting our profession nationwide! Learn how to get involved as a student member or Fellow member. Don’t miss the opportunity to get ideas about how YOU can make a difference in audiology today!

Educational Competition at AudiologyNOW! 2013

The SAA is proud to bring back the Student Educational Competition. Students have the opportunity to win several great prizes, including complimentary registration to AudiologyNOW! 2014 in Orlando, Florida, simply by attending some of your favorite sessions.

Participation is simple:

1. Pick up an Educational Competition form at the SAA Mix & Mingle or in SAA Central.
2. Write down the CEU Codes given by presenters in sessions where CEUs are offered or SAA Codes for the Student Educational Sessions you attend.
3. Submit your form to SAA Central by 6:00 pm on Friday, April 5. Who knew learning could be so much fun?

SAA Educational Sessions

Student Educational Sessions are small group sessions on various topics that are geared for current students. These sessions cover a variety of information, from fundamentals to clinical application, and were chosen by students, for students. They are designed to give students better insight into the theory and clinical practice of audiology.
Student Educational Sessions are listed in the Session Planner where you can sort by date, time, an

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