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Tips for First Time Attendees



  • Attire is Business Casual.
  • Wear comfortable shoes.
  • Bring a sweater or jacket – it can get cold in the meeting rooms.


  • Use a credit card to check into your hotel. Hotels will hold available credit for incidentals. If you use a debit card and you have a limited amount of funds in your account, you might not be able to access your money.


  • Don’t stress if you don’t receive your registration packet in the mail, bring a copy of your confirmation letter to registration. You can get everything you need there!

  • Lines are long at registration on Wednesday morning. If you don’t need your badge first thing, come in the early afternoon to pick up your materials.


First Time Attendee Orientation


Date: Wednesday, March 28
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (BCEC)

Is this your first time at AudiologyNOW!? Come to the First Time Attendee Orientation for an overview that will help you make the most of this incredible experience. Students: Plan to attend the First Time Attendee Orientation – Students Only!


A GUIDE to Audiology Solutions


Friday, March 30, 2012, 10:00 am – 11:00 am

Friday, March 30, 2012, 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Saturday, March 31, 2012, 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (BCEC)


The exhibit floor can be overwhelming for even seasoned attendees and more so for newcomers and students, so this year the American Academy of Audiology is developing a new program—group tours. These tours are designed to help attendees navigate their way through Audiology Solutions, the exhibit hall, gather information on new products, companies, and meet new people.  The tour group will stop by participating vendors, where they will hear a short presentation offering an overview of that company’s products or services.  Tour times are Friday at 10:00 am or 2:30pm and Saturday at 11:30am.  Meet at the Cyber Café located as the base of the escalators that lead down into the show floor from the North Lobby. If you can’t meet at these times, feel free to form your own tour groups by meeting up with other individuals at our designated location.  This is a great opportunity for vendors and Audiologists to connect and create new relationships. See you on the floor! For questions or more information please contact Sarah Jacobs.




  • Plan to be at sessions 10 minutes early to get a seat! Popular sessions fill up fast.

  • Use the online session planner to get an idea of what sessions you want to attend. Make sure to print it out with the room numbers so you’ll know where you’re going.

  • Take time to read ProgramNOW!, you will receive a copy on-site in your convention bag, and available for electronic devices it has all the details on what is happening, when and where.

General Things:

  • Bring a water bottle. You can fill it up at water coolers in the hall or the sessions rooms. It’s cheaper than buying bottled water and more eco-friendly!

  • Shuttles are available at hotels, that are not within walking distance, to take you to the convention center. They run on a regular schedule and it’s posted in your hotel. View the hotel map to see which hotels have shuttle service and which are within walking distance. Please note: those attendees not staying at an official AudiologyNOW! hotel will not be able to access the complimentary shuttle buses. If you are staying at a hotel not within the official hotel block, shuttle buses will not pick-up or drop-off at your hotel and you will not be allowed to board the shuttles at a nearby official hotel. Shuttle icons will be displayed on badges of those authorized to ride the shuttle buses. You must show your badge to the shuttle bus personnel prior to boarding. If you are not in the official block and would like to purchase a pass for $75.00, please call Customer Service at 866-229-2386. If you purchase a pass you must still walk to the nearest official hotel to pick-up the shuttle bus.

  • WiFi is available free of charge at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (BCEC).

  • Celebrate Audiology is the opening party for the convention and IT’S FREE! When you register, indicate if you will be attending.

  • Lunch is available at the concession counters in the exhibit hall. You’ll receive lunch coupons in your registration packet. Hold onto your lunch coupons, they are like cash! Lost or stolen coupons cannot be replaced.

  • Trivia Bowl is lots of fun to attend. Sign up early so you can sit with friends or make some new ones and grab an empty spot. The sign up board will be in the Academy Central area.

  • Your expocard (electronic business card) in your registration packet is for access to the computer stations at the Internet Access Central where you can:

    • Check e-mail
    • Enter CEUs
    • Leave a message for another attendee
    • View sessions