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Presenter’s Resource Guide

Presenter to Do List

  • Register – Opens November 1 for Members, December 1 for all others
  • Create – Read the Adult Learning and Presenter Tips sections.
  • Handouts – Due to both environmental and fiscal conservation, handouts for AudiologyNOW! educational sessions are only being printed and distributed on-site for Learning Labs and Featured Sessions. All other session types will have their handouts made available to AudiologyNOW! audiences online for download during or after AudiologyNOW! using the presentations uploaded to the Presentation Management System. Presenters in these categories are welcome to bring their own materials if desired but the Academy will not be able to reimburse you for the costs. There is a Fed Ex Kinko’s business center located on-site for your convenience. Featured Session and Learning Lab presenters should e-mail your session handouts to Lisa Yonkers by March 1, to have them copied by the Academy and delivered to your session room. Additional handout information can be found under the "Handout” heading below.
  • Upload Presentation – Upload your PowerPoint presentation to the Presentation Management System prior to departing for Boston, in your hotel room or on-site in the Presenter’s Ready Room at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.
  • Spread the Word – You want full session rooms, and so do we! Help us spread the word about AudiologyNOW!
  • Enjoy yourself at AudiologyNOW! 2011

Don’t miss out on update e-mails: if your computer or workplace has strict firewalls, add audiology.org to your white list or ask your network personnel to make certain your mail servers accept e-mail from audiology.org.

Presentation Preparation Information

Presenter Replacements
If you are unable to make your presentation, please inform Lisa Yonkers via e-mail of your substitute speaker. Include their degree designation and organization.

Session Cancellation
If you must cancel your presentation, please notify Lisa Yonkers via e-mail immediately.

Schedule at a Glance
View the schedule. All events held at Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (BCEC) unless otherwise noted in the Final Program or the online itinerary planner.

Session Content

  • Ensure that your presentation is consistent with the description and the learning objectives you provided when submitting your proposal. View your abstract in the online itinerary planner.
  • IMPORTANT: If your session has been selected as an ABA Tier 1 Session make sure to reference your assessment questions and cover the material in the session.
  • Note the instructional level you indicated for your session and follow the descriptions under Instructional Level below while creating your presentation.
  • Keep in mind that the audience could be both international and multidisciplinary and your presentation should be sensitive to that fact.

Instructional Levels
Level I
A beginning-level course, offering in-depth instruction in basic principles and concepts related to the practice or topic. Emphasis is placed on fundamental (basic) knowledge, skills and procedures, with basic interpretation of findings and case management. Previous knowledge of specific content area is not essential.

Level II
An intermediate-level course, offering cursory review of fundamentals and a more focused development of applied applications of the practice area or topic. Emphasis is placed on reviews of current literature and practices for those with general working knowledge and skills in content area.

Level III
An advanced-level course, offering in-depth survey and discourse of the practice area or topic. Emphasis will be on application and review of current techniques, research findings and future directions, to integrate knowledge across disciplines and practice areas. Those with substantial working knowledge and skills in content area will refine and expand their current expertise.

Due to both environmental and fiscal conservation, handouts for AudiologyNOW! educational sessions are only being printed and distributed on-site for Learning Labs and Featured Sessions. All other session types will have their handouts made available to AudiologyNOW! audiences online for download during or after AudiologyNOW! using the presentations uploaded to the Presentation Management System. Presenters in these categories are welcome to bring their own materials if desired but the Academy will not be able to reimburse you for the costs. There is a FedEx Kinko’s business center located on-site for your convenience. Featured Session and Learning Lab presenters should e-mail your session handouts to Lisa Yonkers Lisa Yonkers   by March 1, to have them copied by the Academy and delivered to your session room. Additional handout information can be found under the "Handout” heading below.  Submitted material should be in PDF format, single sided, and a maximum of 8 pages in length (limit not applicable to Learning Labs). Handouts beyond the maximum 8 page limit will not be reproduced. Copies of materials requested on-site will be at the speaker(s)/presenter(s) time and expense.

We suggest that handouts be used if they are interactive in nature – and not just a copy of the PowerPoint slides to promote a learning experience where participants walk away with their own notes – that are meaningful to them. Each attendee will receive a notebook, which has been designed for easy note taking and will have access to electronic copies of the PowerPoint presentations online, as available, after the conclusion of AudiologyNOW! 2011.

Handout Example: List 10 myths about your topic and have each attendee mark "agree" or "disagree" at the beginning of your session. You could then review them at the end. Or, fill-in-the-blanks, a summary of key points, outline of your presentation; charts, diagrams, and checklists; case studies; bibliographies; list of additional references; contact information; a list of related articles/books/Web sites; etc.

Please pay special attention to the fact that members of the audience may have hearing/visual disabilities.

  • Williams Sound Corp. will be providing ALD systems for the session rooms.
  • Encourage hearing/visually-disabled participants to sit towards the front of the room for the best reception.
  • Ensure that only one person speaks at a time and into the microphone, by asking members of the group to wait until they are acknowledged before speaking.
  • Repeat all questions or comments into the microphone.
  • Verbally describe all visuals, as descriptions of visual aids not only help people with disabilities, they are also often appreciated by people seated a good distance from the speaker.

Register by January 12, 2011, to take advantage of the discounted fees for registration and early bird housing rates.

Registration Tip: For exhibitors presenting and/or wanting to attend the educational sessions at AudiologyNOW!, the Academy offers a CONV/EXPO rate. You must register as a CONV/EXPO exhibitor through your company’s exhibitor contact. Do not register using the attendee registration form. No refunds will be given for any exhibitor personnel who register using attendee registration forms and procedures. Questions? Contact us.

Presenter on-site Information

Presenter’s Ready Room
Make a point to stop by the Presenter’s Ready Room located in the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (BCEC). This will be a place where you can:

  • Practice your presentation
  • Pick up Presenter Ribbons at Registration "Ribbon Bar”
  • Upload your presentation to the Presentation Management System
  • Or just relax before your presentation

Presenter’s Ready Room Hours:
Tuesday, April, 5, Noon-5:00pm
Wednesday, April 6, 7:00am-5:00pm
Thursday, April 7, 7:00am-5:00pm
Friday, April 8, 7:00am-5:00pm
Saturday, April 9, 7:00am-3:00pm

CEU Passcode
For those sessions that offer CEUs we will utilize CEU Manager for participants to record their CEUs. A CEU Passcode will be placed on your speaker’s podium prior to the start of your session. Make sure to announce the code using the microphone and to also hold up the enlarged code (on the back of the form) so that the audience members will also have a visual version to reference. We ask that you announce this Passcode toward the middle-end of your session, prior to the question and answer period.

Pick up Presenter Ribbons at Registration "Ribbon Bar” or in the Presenter Ready Room at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (BCEC.

Room Locations
Check the online itinerary planner or ProgramNOW! on-site for your session room number.

Room Set-up
Each Learning Module, Exhibitor Course, Featured Session, Research Pod, Industry Update will be set theater-style (some will be set in rounds), Student Research Forum room will be set in Rounds. Learning Labs and Student Hands on Labs will be set classroom-style. The Poster Presentations will be in a large area with rows of poster boards.

Session Attendance/Room Capacity
View the capacity (PDF Coming Soon) of each session room. If your session is in 2 connecting rooms add the two room capacities together to get the total capacity for your session.

Session Audio Recordings
Stop by the Audio Recording Sales Desk in the Registration Area to request the complimentary recording of your presentation that is available to each presenter.

Participants will complete an electronic evaluation form for your session via the CEU manager. The evaluation includes a specific line for each presenter. Following AudiologyNOW! 2011, your session’s evaluation results will be compiled and distributed to all presenters of the session. We will send you a Presenter Evaluation, so you can let us know about your experience as an AudiologyNOW! 2011 presenter.

If possible, arrive at your session room 30 minutes before the start of your session and take time to familiarize yourself with the room set-up. A representative from our audiovisual company, Freeman AV, will be there to assist you with the equipment.

Please announce these items at the beginning of your presentation:

  • Remind participants to turn off all electronic devices.
  • Note the emergency exit doors in the room.
  • Remind participants to record the CEU Pass-code, which will be placed on the lectern in your session room, onto their CEU Worksheet. You may want to insert a slide into your presentation to remind you to announce the passcode.
  • Encourage participants to fill in all available space and move to the center when necessary.
  • Mention that Audio recordings of sessions are available for purchase near Registration, at the Audio Recording Sales Counter.

Audiovisual Equipment & Tech Tips

The Academy will be utilizing a Presentation Management system that will automatically feed the presentations through a main server directly to the session rooms. The Academy will provide the following audio-visual (A/V) equipment in each meeting room:

  • Laptop computer for PowerPoint Presentations
  • LCD projector and screen
  • Lectern microphone and wired lavaliere microphone
  • Electronic pointer
  • ALD transmitter
  • Floor Microphones in audience (for Featured Sessions only)

Due to cost limitations, Internet connections are not available in the session rooms. Audiovisual equipment is not provided for Clinical or Research Posters.

Special A/V Requests: Complete the A/V Request Form (PDF) by March 1, 2011, for equipment needs beyond those the Academy will be providing. The Academy may not be able to honor all requests.

Tech Tips
Presentations created using Mac and/or presented using a Mac should test the presentation in the Presenter Ready Room, Room 182, prior to the start of the session to make certain presentation displays as desired.

Presentations created using imbedded video or audio clips should test the presentation in the Presenter Ready Room, Room 182, prior to the start of the session to make certain presentation displays as desired.

If you have a problem with the equipment in your session room, DO NOT attempt to "fix" the audiovisual equipment yourself. The equipment is very sensitive and has strict shutdown and re-start procedures. Please notify the A/V technician. There will be an A/V technician from Freeman assigned to each session room to assist you.

Presentation Management System
Upload Presentation – Upload your PowerPoint presentation to the Presentation Management System prior to departing for Chicago, in your hotel room or on-site in the Presenter’s Ready Room at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center (BCEC). You may submit your PowerPoint presentation before and during the meeting via the internet.

How to log in
Enter your "user name," which is the same as the e-mail address at which you received this message. Do not enter a password; leave the field empty. You will be prompted to set a new password.

Follow the instructions in the Presentation Management System. Before you upload we highly recommend reviewing the Tips & Tricks page. Presentations created using audio/video/movies are strongly encouraged to be tested in the Speaker Ready Room prior to the presentation to make certain PowerPoint and audio/video displays as desired. There will also be an A/V technician from our audiovisual company assigned to each session room to assist you.

Confirmation that your presentation was received
After submitting a file, you will receive a confirmation e-mail within an hour. If you do not receive a confirmation, please contact [email protected] to ensure your file was received. When contacting support for technical issues please reference (AUDIOLOGY) as the conference name and the presenter’s full name.

How to make changes to your presentation
If you need to make changes to a presentation that you submitted, you may resubmit the files on the website using a new file name; you should also delete the earlier submission. If you’d like to review your presentation prior to your session, you may visit the Speaker Ready Room on site at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center.

How to Back up Files
Although we take every precaution to ensure files are not corrupted during the file upload, it is always recommended that a backup copy of your presentation is brought with you on a CD or USB stick.

Adult Learning, the Basics

Tell me I’ll forget
Show me I’ll remember
Involve me I’ll understand
– Chinese Proverb

In our quest for participants to Acquire Knowledge… we need your help to create an innovative, new learning experience.

Here are some basics:

  • Use visual aids to add interest but try to stay away from a "talking head" with slides presentation.
  • Make sure you address the items listed in your abstracts and allot enough time to reach your learner outcomes.
  • Use real life examples to allow your audience to connect with the subject matter.
  • Allow time for questions and/or comments.
  • Engage the audience and interact with them.
  • Encourage the audience to interact with each other.

Activating Adult Learning
Ronald Gross, Author of "Peak Learning and the Lifelong Learner," conducted a study that showed effective adult learning experiences share the following characteristics:

INTERACTION: The participants are actively involved in discussions, problem-solving or some other kind of activity.

PREPARATION: The learners are primed ahead of time as a result of readings, conversation, an assignment or other active orientation.

COLLABORATION: The participants are part of a team that works together, either during the learning experience or afterward.

INSPIRATION: The participants are stimulated by the charisma, credibility, expertise or other special qualities of the presenter. It is important to remember that members of your audience will not only incorporate different levels of knowledge but also bring with them different styles of learning:

  • Visual (spatial) – prefers using pictures, images, and spatial understanding
  • Aural (auditory) – prefers using sound and music
  • Verbal (linguistic) – prefers using words, both in speech and writing
  • Physical (kinesthetic) – prefers using the body, hands and sense of touch
  • Logical (mathematical) – prefers using logic, reasoning and systems
  • Social (interpersonal) – prefers to learn in groups or with other people
  • Solitary (interpersonal) – prefers to work alone and use self-study

Questions to ask yourself while preparing your presentation:

  • Who is my audience?
  • What is their background?
  • What do they expect to take away from my presentation?

Easy ways to "lose" your audience:

  • Lecturing in a monotone voice
  • Presentations with lots of slides that the presenter reads to the audience
  • Theories with no examples
  • Long-winded personal stories with no relevance to the topic

Presentation Tips and Interactive Techniques

Start by reading these:
Naked Presentations (PDF)
30 Things We Know For Sure about Adult Learning (PDF)
Jeffrey Cufaude: Idea Architects – Powerful Presentation Tips


  • If you plan on using interactive techniques remember to plan the appropriate amount of time required to allow your audience to interact.
  • Create opportunities for participants to share with others and compare information, offer data, react to ideas, or answer questions.
  • Help participants interact with the information you are presenting (interactive handouts with fill-ins and brainstorm lists).
  • Allow participants to observe the subject or action you are presenting.
  • Rehearse your presentation beforehand to make sure your presentation is not too long or too short. The actual delivery of the presentation usually takes longer than the rehearsal.
  • The average 8 1/2 page, typed, double spaced with one-inch margins contains 250 words. The average speaker can present approximately 6 of these pages in 12 minutes. Have text that is highly legible with well-marked cues for visuals.
  • Speak directly into the microphone in a normal voice and do not handle the microphone while speaking. There should be a comfortable distance between your mouth and the microphone. If you turn away from the microphone the audience may not hear your voice.
  • During the question and answer period of your session, repeat all questions and/or comments into the microphone.
  • Make sure to look up at the audience and shift your gaze around the room.
  • Use active words, brief and concise phrases and short sentences.
  • If you are using materials in your presentation (pictures, charts, graph, etc.) that are not original work, remember to cite the source.
  • Give participants 3-4 seconds to adjust to a new image/slide before you begin speaking again. This will also give you a chance to take a deep breath.

Most common complaints attendees have of speakers:

  • Spoke too fast. If you think you are speaking too fast, you most likely are. Speak loudly and clearly.
  • Topic discussed did not match the information listed in the abstract.
  • Too much information was presented.
  • Did not speak into the microphone, mumbled or spoke too softly.
  • Did not repeat questions asked by the audience into the microphone.
  • Visual aids were cluttered and hard to read.

Power Point Tips

  • Keep your slides as "clean" as possible – minimize text, logos and background pictures.
  • Use no more than 8 lines of text in an easy to read, 24-point font.
  • Avoid using all capitals, use bold or italics for emphasis.
  • Clearly label graphs and charts.
  • Use contrasting colors when choosing backgrounds and text colors. The best combination is a blue background with white or yellow lettering or white background with black or blue text. Avoid using red text.