Submission Guidelines
Submission Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in submitting a presentation for AudiologyNOW! 2012, the submission process is closed. To submit for AudiologyNOW! 2013 in Anaheim, CA please check back mid-August 2012.
- Goals for the Educational Program
- Number of Submitted Proposals
- Submission Dates and Deadlines
- Selection Criteria
- Required Items for Submissions
- Audiovisual Equipment Provided
Goals for the Educational Program
The goal for the educational program is value-rich learning, where the emphasis is on learning facilitation as opposed to content delivery. This learning culture has been designed to help attendees: Acquire knowledge, Advance science, and Access technology. Proposals should offer material that is interesting to a variety of practice settings, contains innovative and meaningful information, and includes interactive presentation techniques designed to engage the adult learner.
Number of Submitted Proposals
Submitters are limited to the following number of submissions per category:
- Exhibitor Courses: Two (2) submissions per individual
- Learning Modules: Two (2) submissions per individual
- Research Pods: Two (2) submission per individual
- Research Posters: Two (2) submissions per individual
- Clinical Posters: Two (2) submissions per individual
- Student Research Forum: One (1) submission per student
- Student Educational Sessions: (2) submissions per individual
- Industry Updates: (2) submissions per individual
- ARC Poster: (2) submission per individual
- CAPD Poster, or Platform Paper: (2) submissions per individual
Submission Dates and Deadlines
October 3 |
Submission Deadline: Exhibitor Courses; Industry Updates; Student Educational Sessions; |
November 15 |
Notifications e-mailed for Exhibitor Courses; Industry Updates; Student Educational Sessions; Learning Modules |
November 28 |
Submission Deadline: Clinical Posters; Research Posters; Student Research Forum; |
November 28 | Submission Deadline: Academy Research Conference (ARC) Posters and Global Perspectives on CAPD Posters/Pl;atform Paper |
December 21 |
Notifications e-mailed for Clinical Posters; Research posters; Student Research Forum; Research Pods |
December 21 | Notifications sent for Academy Research Conference (ARC) Posters and Global Perspectives on CAPD Posters/Platform Paper |
The Academy strives to offer a balanced educational program by selecting proposals that achieve:
- The goals of the AudiologyNOW! Educational Program
- The Academy’s vision to be essential in the professional lives of audiologists. Proposals in each category will be reviewed by the appropriate 2012 Program Subcommittee members in a blind review process.
Specific Criteria for Learning Modules, Exhibitor Courses, Industry Updates, and Student Educational Sessions
The submission abstract is limited to 500 words and the review will be based on the following:
- Originality/Innovativeness
- Overall Quality
- Scientific or Clinical Impact/Importance
Specific Criteria for Research Pods, Research Posters, Clinical Posters and the Student Research Forum
The submission summary is limited to 500 words and should include objectives, rationale, design, results and conclusions. Only completed research projects will be considered. Submissions to both the Student Research Forum and the Clinical and Research Posters will be rated using the following criteria, with equal weighting of each factor:
- Rationale/Purpose
Submissions should have a strong rationale for the study/presentation which is supported by the literature. The statement of the purpose should be clear and if appropriate hypotheses should be included. - Methods
The study should be appropriate for the specific experimental questions. The methodology and statistical analyses should be clearly described. - Results & Conclusions
The results should be clearly described and should be supported by the statistical findings. The conclusions should be supported by the results. - Overall Clarity
The submission should be well written and organized in a coherent manner. - Importance of Work
Submissions which address an important issue or problem will be given special consideration. The potential impact of the research on clinical practice, education of students, the profession or, future research will be considered. - Innovation
Innovated submissions will be given special consideration. These include projects which developed or employed novel concepts, approaches, methodologies, tools or technologies.
You will be prompted to enter this information in the online submission system. Only online submissions will be accepted. In order to be considered, all submissions must contain the following:
- Accept the Submission Agreement (more information below)
- A title (no longer than 75 characters)
- Educational category (more information below)
- AudiologyNOW! Tracks (more information below)
- Learner outcomes (more information below)
- Instructional level (more information below)
- An abstract (no longer than 75 words)
- A summary (no longer than 500 words)
- The names, organizations, e-mails and disclosure information for all presenters (more information below)
- The names, organizations, and e-mails for all contributors (more information below)
Submission Agreement
All presenters must agree to the terms of the Submission Agreement prior to entering a proposal.
On behalf of myself and any co-presenters, should this presentation be selected, I/we agree that this presentation is offered voluntarily and understand and agree to the following terms related to the presentation and its use by the American Academy of Audiology:
- Agree to pay for all travel expenses to attend AudiologyNOW!, including the registration fee.
- Agree to present this course on the assigned date, time and place during AudiologyNOW! March 28 – 31, 2012, in Boston, MA.
- During my presentation, I will not engage in any type of promotional marketing or selling of any product or service, and I will not disparage the Academy in any way.
- Warrant that my presentation is my own original work, that I have the full authority to enter into this Agreement, and that I am the sole copyright holder or that I have obtained all necessary permissions or licenses from any individuals or organizations whose material is included or used in my presentation. I agree to indemnify the Academy for any claims that may be asserted as a result of the violation of these representations and warranties.
- Grant the American Academy of Audiology all of the necessary rights to record this presentation and to use it in any audio formats, including but not limited to creating synced versions of the presentation.
- Grant the American Academy of Audiology all of the necessary rights to produce and distribute session presentations/handouts to all registered attendees. You will continue to retain ownership, including copyright rights, in your work. Any copyright of the presentation and materials shall continue to be your property or that of your company.
- Agree to consider allowing the American Academy of Audiology to publish and market the material presented at an Academy event to all Academy members, subscribers, and customers in Academy informational publications such as but not limited to Audiology Today, AT Extra or on the Academy website. This will help to further the Academy’s mission and vision: to be essential in the professional lives of audiologists.
Educational Category
Select the one educational category that your proposal best matches. Duplicate submissions under multiple categories are not permitted. Presentations that market specific products and services are not acceptable for any category except Industry Updates.
Clinical Poster Presentations
Submission deadline: November 28, 2011 (Closes 11:59pm PT on Monday Evening)
Limit: Two (2) submissions per individual. Please note: Projects submitted as Learning Modules, Instructional Courses or Exhibitor Courses should not be submitted for consideration as a Clinical Poster.
CEUs: Attendees can earn a maximum of 0.6 CEUs for posters
The Clinical Poster Presentation format provides the opportunity to discuss unusual clinical examples of complex cases, atypical disorders, or innovative treatment approaches. Clinical Posters will be displayed for the duration of the show from Thursday through Saturday. Poster authors will be able to present their research to attendees during the two hour Clinical and Research Poster reception. A blind review of Clinical Poster Presentation submissions will be conducted and the evaluation based on specific criteria listed in the criteria section.
Exhibitor Courses
Submission Deadline: October 3, 2011 (Closes 11:59pm PT on Monday evening)
Length: 1 hour
Limit: Two (2) submissions per individual
CEUs: 0.1 CEU
The Exhibitor Courses are designed to provide attendees with access to clinical research that illustrates performance, benefit, and/or satisfaction related to manufacturer products or services. Courses also may be tutorial (e.g., describing expected patient benefit related to a given product or feature, topics of current interest that provide attendees with information that can be used clinically). Product names may appear in the abstract and presentation. If it is research based, the summary needs to include an introduction, methods, results, and discussion regarding the results and the impact on patient benefit. Sessions submitted under the Exhibitor Course category that includes training and/or demonstration will not be accepted these should be submitted under the Industry Updates category. Blind review of Exhibitor Course submissions will be conducted and the evaluation based on specific criteria listed in the criteria section.
Industry Updates
Submission Deadline: October 3, 2011 (Closes 11:59pm PT on Monday evening)
Length: 30 Minutes, repeated to fill 1 hour timeslot
Limit: 2 submissions per exhibitor
CEUs: 0.05 CEUs
Industry Updates are designed to provide attendees with information focused on product training and/or demonstration to include new or updated software, diagnostic or instrumentation, new hearing aid products and/or features, etc. Product names may appear in the abstract and presentation. Each Industry Update will be offered twice, one presentation immediately following the other. Blind review of Industry Update submissions will be conducted and the evaluation based on specific criteria listed in the criteria section.
Featured Sessions
Length: 1.5 hours
Limit: Invite only
CEUs: 0.15 CEUs
Featured Sessions are contemporary topics presented by leaders in the field of audiology, hearing science, and related professional areas. The Program Committee invites presenters for these sessions based on their expertise on a given topic and feedback from attendees at previous AudiologyNOW! meetings. These sessions will offer Tier 1 Hours and require the presenter(s) to submit a learner assessment tool (8-10 multiple choice questions).
Student Educational Sessions
Submission Deadline: October 3, 2011 (Closes 11:59pm PT on Monday evening)
Length: 1 hour
Limit: Two (2) submissions per individual
CEUs: 0.1 CEUs
Student Educational Sessions are small group sessions that provide information and insight about clinical practice to students of all levels. In the past, student educational sessions have primarily been hands-on in nature, but this year, lecture-based sessions will be incorporated as well. Content should range from fundamentals to advanced application and provide students with the appropriate tools to work with a variety of products and equipment. Multiple presentations of selected programs may be requested based on interest and timeslot availability. Selected presenters that opt to use laboratory components should bring their own demonstration equipment as needed.
Learning Labs
Length: 3.5 to 7 hours
Limit: Invite only
CEUs: 0.35 to 0.7 CEUs
Additional Registration Fee for attendees
Learning Labs are held on the first day of AudiologyNOW! They offer in-depth, cutting-edge information in "hot" topic areas. The topic areas require half- or full-day sessions to enable sufficient coverage of the information. Learning Labs are designed to be interactive and to afford opportunities for hands-on exercises with appropriate clinical practices. The Learning Labs are presented by leaders in the field of audiology and/or associated professions. Presenters for Learning Labs are invited by the Program Committee based upon their expertise in a given topic area. These sessions will offer Tier 1 Hours and require the presenter(s) to submit a learner assessment tool (8-10 multiple choice questions).
Learning Modules
Submission Deadline: October 3, 2011 (Closes 11:59pm PT on Monday evening)
Length: 1 hour
Limit: Two (2) submissions per individual
CEUs: 0.1 CEU
Learning Modules are learner-focused, interactive courses on topics of current interest that provide participants with information they can use in their clinical practices. These may cover a wide variety of topics including clinical audiology, treatment, basic science, practice management or a related field. In response to comments made by attendees over the years, this year’s program again will feature 3 instructional levels. Emphasis will be placed on submissions with new or innovative topics. Blind review of Learning Module submissions will be conducted and the evaluation based on specific criteria listed in the criteria section.
Note: Courses designed to provide participants with access to clinical research that illustrates users’ performance; benefits and/or satisfaction related to commercially-available products or services should be submitted as Exhibitor Courses. The Program Committee reserves the right to transfer any such Learning Module submissions to the Exhibitor Course Subcommittee. A course focused on product training and demonstration should be submitted to the Industry Updates category.
Research Pods
Submission Deadline: November 28, 2011 (Closes 11:59pm PT on Monday evening)
Length: 30 minutes each, two presented in a 1-hour session
Limit: Two (2) submissions per individual. Please note: Projects submitted as Learning Modules, or Exhibitor Courses should not be submitted for consideration as either a Research Pod or a Research Poster.
CEUs: 0.1 CEUs
The Research Pod format provides the opportunity for individuals to present current clinically-directed research to the audience at AudiologyNOW! 2011. Submissions must be based on original research in the areas of audiology or hearing science. Blind review of Research Pod submissions will be conducted and the evaluation based on specific criteria listed in the criteria section. In the event that the proposal is not selected for a Research Pod presentation, the submission may be considered for a Research Poster presentation if the author requests review for a poster presentation by checking the appropriate box.
Research Poster Presentations Submission
Deadline: November 28, 2011 (Closes 11:59pm PT on Monday Evening)
Length: Posters hung noon Thursday through noon Saturday
Limit: Two (2) submissions per individual. Please note: Projects submitted as Learning Modules, Instructional Courses or Exhibitor Courses should not be submitted for consideration as either a Research Pod or Research Poster.
CEUs: Maximum 0.6 CEUs
The Research Poster Presentation format provides the opportunity to discuss original research. Research Posters will be presented during a 1.5-hour Clinical and Research Poster sessions. Blind review of Research Poster Presentation submissions will be conducted and the evaluation based on specific criteria listed in the criteria section. Submissions that do not include a description of the final results or the results in progress will not be accepted.
Student Presenters that are accepted by the Research Poster subcommittee will be eligible for consideration for one of four James Jerger Awards for Excellence in Student Research ($500 each) and are required to attend their scheduled research poster presentation, as the posters are judged on-site by the Student Research subcommittee.
Student Presenter definition: In order to be eligible for the student research award, the lead presenter must: 1) have completed the data collection while enrolled as a student at an accredited university; 2) be currently enrolled in an academic program or must have received their degree (AuD or PhD) within the past 12 months; and 3) have taken primary responsibility for the implementation, analysis and interpretation of the research.
Student Research Forum
Submission Deadline: November 28, 2011 (Closes 11:59pm PT on Monday Evening)
Length: 15 minutes will be provided for each of five presentations within in a 1.5 hour session
Limit: One (1) submission per student
CEUs: 0.1 CEUs
Graduate students in audiology and recent audiology graduates are invited to submit proposals for presentation of their original research completed while a graduate student in audiology. The American Academy of Audiology Foundation (AAAF) will award $500 to up to five students submitting the top proposals. Student Research Forum award recipients will present a 10-minute summary of their research followed by a five-minute question and answer period. Blind review of Student Research proposals will be conducted based on specific criteria listed in the criteria section.
You must qualify as a student presenter in order to submit to the Student Research Forum. Student Presenter definition: In order to be eligible for the student research award, the lead presenter must: 1) have completed the data collection while enrolled as a student at an accredited university; 2) be currently enrolled in an academic program or must have received their degree (AuD or PhD) within the past 12 months; and 3) have taken primary responsibility for the implementation, analysis and interpretation of the research.
If you indicate in your submission that you would like to be considered for a Research Poster, if not accepted as a Student Research Forum presentation, you will be eligible for consideration for one of four James Jerger Awards for Excellence in Student Research ($500 each). Student Presenters that are accepted by the Research Poster subcommittee are required to attend their scheduled research poster presentation in order to be eligible for consideration, as the posters are judged on-site by the Student Research subcommittee.
Academy Research Conference Poster Presentations
Submission Deadline: November 28, 2011 (Closes at 11:59pm PT on Monday Evening)
Length: Posters displayed Wednesday AM through Wednesday PM
Limit: Two (2) submissions per individual
The Poster Presentation format provides the opportunity to discuss original research on noise-induced hearing loss. Blind review of Poster Presentation submissions will be conducted and the evaluation based on specific criteria listed in the criteria section. Submissions that do not include a description of the final results or the results in progress will not be accepted.
Global Perspectives on CAPD Poster Presentations or Platform Paper
Submission Deadline: November 28, 2011 (closes at 11:59pm PT on Monday Evening)
Length:Posters displayed Friday evening – Saturday afternoon
Limit: Two (2) submissions per individual
The CAPD Poster Presentation format provides the opportunity to discuss original research on Central Auditory Processing Disorder. Blind review of Poster Presentation submissions will be conducted and the evaluation based on specific criteria listed in the criteria section. Submissions that do not include a description of the final results or the results in progress will not be accepted.
The CAPD Conference will be held on Friday evening, March 30 and then continue on Saturday, March 31, from 8:00am- 4:00pm. You may submit a poster or platform paper directly for the CAPD conference or if you are submitting a Research Pod, Student Research Forum, or Research or Clinical Poster and you would like this submission to be considered for a poster or platform paper at the Global Perspectives on CAPD conference you can indicate during the submission process. Please note: A separate registration fee is required to attend this conference. You may also indicate the submission process whether you may also want this poster presentation to also be presented as a platform paper.
AudiologyNOW! Tracks
Select a maximum of two Tracks that your submission best fits. Attendees will be able to search for sessions based upon these tracks to allow them to quickly locate sessions that may be of interest to them.
- Adults: This designator indicates that the course will provide information or instruction with specific emphasis on diagnosis, assessment, treatment and/or issues particular to adult and geriatric populations including but not limited to aging and cognition, aging and memory, aging and motor skills.
- Amplification and Assistive Devices: This designator indicates that the course will provide information or instruction about Hearing Aids, Assistive Listening Devices, Personal amplifiers, T-coils, Tele-loops, and/or Hearing Aid to assistive device coupling.
- Business Practices: This designator indicates that the course will provide information or instruction dealing with the operational side of all practice settings including but not limited to, staff, profitability, supervision, tele-practice, marketing, practice management, best practices, coding and billing.
- Education: This designator indicates that the course will provide information or instruction about audiology education, precepting, preceptor training, accreditation, virtual clinical training and other topics specific to promoting awareness and recruitment of the profession.
- Electrophysiology: This designator indicates that the course will provide information or instruction related to the elicitation and interpretation of Auditory Evoked Potentials (OAE, ECochG, ABR, MLR, CAEP, MMN, ASSR), Immittance measurements, Somatosensory Evoked Potentials used in Intraoperative monitoring and Neuro-imaging.
- Hearing Loss Prevention: This designator indicates that the courses will provide information or instruction on National guidelines, development of Occupational Hearing Loss Prevention Programs, Hearing Protection, effects of noise exposure and noise induced hearing loss.
- Implantable Hearing Devices: This designator indicates that the course will provide information or instruction on implantable hearing technology including topics related to Cochlear Implants Bone-Anchored Auditory Implants (or Somatogenetic Auditory Implants), and Implantable Middle-Ear Devices.
- Neuro-Audiology: This designator indicates that the courses will offer instruction or information regarding the etiology, identification, testing and/or treatment of tinnitus, hyperacusis, auditory hallucinations, auditory processing disorders, auditory neuropathy/dys-synchrony, auditory cognition and hearing and balance involvement with traumatic brain injury and neurodegenerative diseases.
- Pediatrics: This designator indicates that the course will provide information or instruction with specific emphasis on diagnosis, assessment, treatment or concerns for newborns to adolescence.
- Professional Issues: This designator indicates that the course will provide information or instruction on topics concerning ethics, autonomy, legislation, governmental affairs, advocacy, cultural/linguistic issues, humanitarian audiology, global audiology and other topics of concern to the profession as a whole.
- (Re)habilitation and Counseling: This designator indicates that the course will provide information or instruction on the development or improvement of skills that contribute to communication and balance, and/or minimize the impact of, or gaining the acceptance of, hearing loss, tinnitus and/or balance disorders.
- Research: This designator indicates that the course focuses on investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of research observations/findings, offers revision of accepted theories or laws in the light of new evidence, or provides practical application of information obtained through research.
- Student focused: This designator indicates that the Student Academy of Audiology has identified this course as a recommended student program for topic and knowledge level.
- Vestibular: This designator indicates that the course will provide information or instruction on the assessment, treatment and research of vestibular disorders including topics related to ocular VEMP, Rotational testing, Post urography, BPPV, VNG interpretation and differential diagnosis.
Learning Objectives
All submissions require learning objectives. Three are required for Featured Sessions, Learning Labs, Exhibitor Courses, and Learning Modules. One learner objective is required for Industry Updates, Student Educational Programs, Research Podiums, Research & Clinical Posters, ARC Posters, Global Perspectives on CAPD Posters and the Student Research Forum.
Learning objectives should be written to reflect the highest level of performance the learner will be able to achieve within a given time frame.
Learning objectives should complete the following sentence:
"Upon completion of this session, the participant will be able to:”
Begin each objective with a measurable action-verb that describes the (behavior) performance of the learner. Apply, describe, analyze, evaluate, assess, choose or demonstrate are a few verbs that illustrate performance.
Learning objectives should reflect the instructional level of the session. For example, a beginning-level session may use more knowledge-based action verbs: list, identify, define, etc. An advanced level session would include a higher-level action verb to describe the learning that is taking place: solve, analyze, classify, etc. DO NOT start your learning objective with an immeasurable action verb such as understand, learn or know.
Click here for more information on writing learning objectives.
Instructional Level
You will be required to select an instructional level for all sessions except clinical and research posters.
Level I
A beginning-level course, offering in-depth instruction in basic principles and concepts related to the practice or topic. Emphasis is placed on fundamental (basic) knowledge, skills and procedures, with basic interpretation of findings and case management. Previous knowledge of specific content area is not essential.
Level II
An intermediate-level course, offering a cursory review of fundamentals and a more focused development of applied applications of the practice area or topic. Emphasis is placed on reviews of the current literature and practices for those with general working knowledge and skills in the content area.
Level III
An advanced-level course, offering an in-depth survey and discourse on the practice area or topic. Emphasis will be on application and review of current techniques, research findings and future directions, and how to integrate knowledge across disciplines and practice areas. Those with substantial working knowledge and skills in the content area will refine and expand their current expertise.
Presenters are individuals who contribute to the presentation content and will present the material to the audience. Presenter names will be listed in the final program.
Contributors are individuals who contribute to the presentation content but will not present the material to the audience. Contributor’s names will be listed in the final program.
Disclosure Information
If a presenter at AudiologyNOW! has a financial or other relationship in any organization that may have a direct interest in the subject matter of the educational program, the audience must be aware of the relationship in print in advance of the presentation. In this way any potential conflict of interest will be identified openly so attendees have full disclosure of the facts and may form their own judgments about the presentation. Conflicts of interest may be real or perceived, and any potential for financial gain deriving from the reported work may constitute a conflict of interest. It is the responsibility of the submitter(s) to report any real or perceived financial conflict of interest.
Audiovisual Equipment Provided
The Academy will be utilizing a Presentation Management system that will automatically feed the presentations through a main server directly to the session rooms. Detailed information will be sent to the presenters after the submissions have been selected. During sessions the Academy will provide, at no cost to the presenter(s):
- Laptop computer for PowerPoint Presentations
- LCD projector and screen
- Lectern microphone and wired lavaliere microphone
- Electronic pointer
- ALD transmitter
- Floor Microphones in audience (for Featured Sessions only)
Internet connections may be available in some session rooms. Audiovisual equipment is not provided for Clinical Research Poster, ARC, or CAPD Posters.