AudiologyNOW! will be held April 14-17, 2010, at the San Diego California Convention Center. You’ll join more than 6,000 members and students for the world’s largest gathering of audiologists! Explore Audiology Solutions (Exhibit hall) and see the very latest in hearing health technology. Attend education sessions detailing new and exciting topics in the profession. Best of all, you get to network with audiology professionals and graduate students to learn more about a career in Audiology… All at no charge! Verification of your undergraduate student status (copy of your college transcript or student ID) will be required to register. Contact Sabrina Moton for more information.
First Time Attendee Orientation
- 12:30pm-1:00pm
Location: 28B
Is this your first time at AudiologyNOW!? Come to the First Time Attendee Orientation for an overview that will help you make the most of this incredible experience
Meet to Eat
- Enjoy San Diego’s great cuisine scene and the company of your colleagues, instead of dining alone. Please join us during AudiologyNOW! for a Meet to Eat Dining experience. Small group reservations are being arranged through the San Diego Convention Center’s Restaurant and Concierge Desk located at the Restaurant booth. Sign up sheets will be available for various restaurants within walking distance of the Convention Center.