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Session Information

The goal for the educational program is value-rich learning, where the emphasis is on learning facilitation as opposed to content delivery. This learning culture has been designed to help attendees acquire knowledge, advance science and access technology.

AudiologyNOW! 2010 SuperTracks

The SuperTracks are dedicated tracks that will provide a comprehensive learning opportunity to attendees within a specific topic area throughout all four days of the event. This year’s SuperTracks are as follows:

Hearing Loss Prevention: Otoprotection, hearing conservation (across the lifespan), and special populations (e.g. musicians, children, those with pre-existing hearing loss).

Practice Management: Private practice, front office staff, supervision, tele-practice as well as coding and billing.

Neuro-Audiology: Auditory evoked potentials (with an emphasis on middle and late potentials), neuro-imaging, cognition, tinnitus, traumatic brain injury, neurodegenerative diseases such as MS, differential diagnosis auditory processing disorders, and auditory neuropathy/dysschrony.

Cochlear Implants: Cochlear implants with particular emphasis on advanced information such as hybrid implants, bi-modal hearing and multidisciplinary management across the lifespan.

Vestibular: Assessment, diagnosis and treatment of vestibular disorders across the lifespan.

Hot Topics: Hot topics in content areas not addressed above. This may include literacy, hearing aids, implantable hearing aids, etc…

Educational Categories

Clinical Poster Presentations
Length: Posters hung 12:00pm Thursday through 2:00pm Saturday
CEUs: Up to 0.6 CEUs
The Clinical Poster Presentation format provides the opportunity to discuss unusual clinical examples of complex cases, atypical disorders, or innovative treatment approaches. Clinical posters will be presented during one of two dedicated poster receptions. The posters will remain available for viewing throughout the duration of the conference.

Research Poster Presentations
Length: Posters hung 12:00pm Thursday through 2:00pm Saturday
CEUs: up to 0.6 CEUs
The Poster Presentation format provides the opportunity to discuss clinically directed Poster Receptions during AudiologyNOW!. Clinical posters will be presented during one of two dedicated poster receptions. The posters will remain available for viewing throughout the duration of the conference.

Exhibitor Courses
Length: 1.5 hours
CEUs: 0.15 CEU
The Exhibitor Courses are designed to provide attendees with access to clinical research that illustrates performance, benefit, and/or satisfaction related to manufacturer products or services. Courses also may be tutorial (e.g., describing expected patient benefit related to a given product or feature, topics of current interest that provide attendees with information that can be used clinically). Product names may appear in the abstract and presentation.

Featured Sessions
Length: 1.5 hours to 3 hours
CEUs: 0.15 to 0.3 CEUs
Featured Sessions are contemporary topics presented by leaders in the field of audiology, hearing science, and related professional areas. The Program Committee invites presenters for these sessions based on their expertise on a given topic and feedback from attendees at previous AudiologyNOW! meetings.

Learning Labs
Length: 3.5 to 7 hours
CEUs: 0.35 to 0.7 CEUs
Fee: Additional Registration Fee
Learning Labs are held on the first day of AudiologyNOW! They offer in-depth, cutting-edge information in “hot” topic areas. The topic areas require half- or full-day sessions to enable suffi cient coverage of the information.Learning Labs are designed to be interactive and to afford opportunities for hands-on exercises with appropriate clinical practices. The Learning Labs are presented by leaders in the field of audiology and/or associated professions. Presenters for Learning Labs are invited by the Program Committee based upon their expertise in a given topic area.

Learning Modules
Length: 1.5 hours
CEUs: 0.15 CEU
Learning Modules are learner-focused, interactive courses on topics of current interest that provide participants with information they can use in their clinical practices. These may cover a wide variety of topics including clinical audiology, treatment, basic science, practice management or a related field.

Research Pods
Length: 30 minutes each, two presented in a 1-hour session
CEUs: .01 CEU for a 1 hour session
The Research Pod format provides the opportunity for individuals to present current clinically-directed to the audience at AudiologyNOW! Research pods will be held on Friday afternoon (2:00-5:00pm).

Student Research Forum
Length: 15 minutes will be provided for each of five presentations within in a 1.5 hour session
CEUs: 0.15 CEU
Five graduate students in audiology and/ or recent audiology graduates will present a 10-minute summary of their research followed by a fi ve-minute question and answer period. The Student Research Forum is funded by the AAAF with underwriting support provided by Plural Publishing.

Industry Updates
Length: 30 Minutes, repeated to fill 1 hour timeslot
CEUs: 0.05 CEU
Industry Updates are designed to provide attendees with information focused on product training and/or demonstration to include new or updated software, diagnostic or instrument-related instrumentation, new hearing aid products and/or features, etc. Product names may appear in the abstract and presentation. Each Industry Update will be offered twice, one presentation immediately following the other.

Hands-on Student Labs
Length: 1 hour
CEUs: 0.1 CEU
Student Hands-On Labs are small group sessions that provide information, from fundamentals to application, which will provide insight into working with a variety of products or equipment. The labs are meant to be hands-on so the number of participants allowed will be capped at 24. There will be four session rooms, three for equipment demonstrations and one for software demonstrations/instruction.

Instructional Level

Level I
A beginning-level course, offering in-depth instruction in basic principles and concepts related to the practice or topic. Emphasis is placed on fundamental (basic) knowledge, skills and procedures, with basic interpretation of fi ndings and case management. Previous knowledge of specific content area is not essential.

Level II
An intermediate-level course, offering a cursory review of fundamentals and a more focused development of applied applications of the practice area or topic. Emphasis is placed on reviews of the current literature and practices for those with general working knowledge and skills in the content area.

Level III
An advanced-level course, offering an indepth survey and discourse on the practice area or topic. Emphasis will be on application and review of current techniques, research findings and future directions, and how to integrate knowledge across disciplines and practice areas. Those with substantial working knowledge and skills in the content area will refine and expand their current expertise.


Presenters are individuals who contribute to the presentation content and will present the material to the audience. Presenter names will be listed in the final program.

Contributors are individuals who contribute to the presentation content but will not present the material to the audience. Contributor’s names will be listed in the final program.

Disclosure Information

If a presenter at AudiologyNOW! has a financial or other relationship in any organization that may have a direct interest in the subject matter of the educational program, the audience must be aware of the relationship in print in advance of the presentation. In this way any potential conflict of interest will be identified openly so attendees have full disclosure of the facts and may form their own judgments about the presentation. Conflicts of interest may be real or perceived, and any potential for financial gain deriving from the reported work may constitute a conflict of interest. It is the responsibility of the submitter(s) to report any real or perceived financial conflict of interest.

Tier 1 and Professional Ethics Hours

Look for sessions marked with the Tier 1 or ABA Ethics logos for sessions that offer Tier 1 continuing education hours which count towards ABA recertification or sessions that qualify for professional ethics hours. A complete listing of Tier 1 sessions along with instructions can be found in your convention bag or at the Professional Development in Academy Central. Click here for a PDF version of the session’s list of ABA Tier 1 Offerings