Wrap-up for AudiologyNOW! 2009, DALLAS, TX
Think Big… Think AudiologyNOW! 2009
Thank you to all of the attendees and exhibitors who made AudiologyNOW! 2009 a BIG success. We have heard countless comments that the Featured Session offerings were “the best ever” and an audiologist commented that “AudiologyNOW! educational offerings get better every year and are getting more and more focused on what audiologists want to learn.”
Attendance was down a bit this year, not unexpected due to the economic situations we are all facing but compared to other associations and professional membership groups in related areas that are experiencing attendance drops running on average from 30-50% we can count ourselves “successful” with only a 12% drop in our numbers.
For Dallas 2009, we had 6156 participants that breaks down into 3445 (56%) attendees (audiologists, students, etc) and 2711 exhibitor personnel (exhibitor booth personnel, audiologists who work for exhibiting companies).
Session Audio Recordings
Would you like to listen to sessions you were unable to attend? Order session audio recordings online and hear what you missed! There are over one hundred sessions recorded live in their entirety. You can also download MP3s of individual sessions.
AudiologyNOW! Archives – Presentations and Handouts
Click here to access the AudiologyNOW! 2009 presentations and handouts.
CEU Manager Deadline – April 30
The deadline to enter your AudiologyNOW! CEUs into CEU Manager is Thursday, April 30, 2009. No exceptions! Entering CEUs into CEU Manager is the only way your CEUs will be recorded (for both the Academy and ASHA). The paper CEU worksheet is only a back-up copy. CEU Manager is now closed.
General Assembly 2009
Unity was the theme of the day – uniting Audiology, uniting related professions and uniting the generations. Video coming soon!
2009 ProgramNOW! (PDF)
2009 Program Committee (PDF)
Daily News
- Thursday, April 2 (PDF)
- Friday, April 3 (PDF)
- Saturday, April 4 (PDF)